Spinderella and the Posers


To see Kim,  one of the most talented bassists on the scene today, perform on stage, completely locked in with Tina guns, you would never know that she has only been playing bass for 6  years. 

Though introduced to music through piano at the age of 8, her childhood music career ended quickly  as her introverted shy nature prevented her from performing. She never lost her love for music however and continued to nurture her passion for music  and then  her own children into a life of love and music. 

One day she decided to use the same advice she encouraged her children to follow and purchased a used Spector bass guitar from Guitar Center. She began teaching herself to play bass and quickly became an adept and talented bassist in only a few months. 

That year, 2017, Kimmie walked into an audition at Rapture studio where she met “Tina Drums” for the first time. They played along to the song Mystery Achievement and instantly locked in. It was at that moment, that incredible moment in every musician’s life, when the magic of an unspoken instant connection occurrs. This was what it was like to really experience music. All fear, insecurity and self doubt, replaced by the exhilaration of getting lost in the music.

Shortly thereafter, Kimmie met Kaia (Keys) who joined the same band. Yet another, multifaceted, strong female musician. How could things get any better?

And then it happened again in 2021, a message from a stranger on the internet. Another seasoned female musician looking to form an all star band, Joy Joy Van Axen. Such an awesome conversation ensued, ideas flowed about the awesome possibilities and the type of project they were to form. That beautiful connection of just knowing something  was right- happened again. The instant sister friendship between Joy and Kim was born.  

As the universe would have it, great music draws great musicians! In 2023 Mike, Eric, and Tania came on board bringing incredible Charisma, musicianship, talent, and a powerful presence to complete the Spinderella family.

Spinderella, is by far the most energetic and fun experience of Kim’s life and has exceeded Kim’s expectations. 

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